ADE 2023

Refund and compensation

Regrettably, we must inform you that we have to refund your order for Awakenings ADE. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. Following newly updated regulations, we have carefully reviewed operational planning for upcoming events with regards to artists and other attendees. To ensure absolute compliance with the terms of our permit, we have unfortunately made the difficult decision to refund a limited number of ticket orders for this event. Sadly, this included your order as we refund those who purchased tickets latest.

We will refund the complete order including service fees. You’ll receive your refund within 5 working days. For the refund, the same bank details will be used as the order was completed with.

As a gesture besides your refund, we’d like to offer you compensation, we offer 3 options.

The deadline for making a choice is Wednesday 18th of October 23:59. If no decision is made, option 3 will be applied.

Option 1: Receive free entrance ticket(s) for Solomun at the Ziggo Dome, on Saturday 21-10-2023 from 14:00 - 21:30. You will receive the same amount of free tickets for this show, as tickets that were in your canceled order. The tickets will be sent on Friday 20th of October.

Option 2: Receive free entrance ticket(s) for Reinier Zonneveld B2B ADE special at the Ziggo Dome, on Sunday 22-10-2023 from 14:00 - 00:00. You will receive the same amount of free tickets for this show, as tickets that were in your canceled order. The tickets will be sent on Friday 20th of October.

Option 3: Receive a 30,- euro voucher, per entrance ticket which you had in your order. The voucher can be applied in the Awakenings ticketshop till 31-12-2024. Vouchers will be sent by email on 24-10-2023. Click the button below to select your choice.

For making your choice, login with your awakenings account and use the email address you’ve purchased the tickets with.

world FAQ

Why is my order refunded?
Unfortunately, you were in the last batch of ticket orders. We had to make a hard decision to refund an amount of tickets. We chose to refund the last batch, excluding the ticketbuyers who had their Summer Festival tiket refunded. It’s already hard to endure this ones, we don’t want our visitors to experience this again.
What is refunded?
We will refund the complete order including service fees. You’ll receive your refund within 5 working days. For the refund, the same bankdetails will be used as the order was completed with.
I made more ADE orders. How do I know which order was cancelled?
The order number of the cancelled order is included in your email.
Are tickets available on Ticketswap valid?
Yes, they are. It is not possible to add cancelled tickets to Ticketswap. This means there is no risk purchasing tickets on Ticketswap.
Is this email Spam?
No, it is not. If you ever doubt if an email sent from Paylogic or Awakenings is spam, please contact