Marek Hemmann, vintage 1979, knew for a long time even before then that he wanted to make good music. Following initial dabbling on the guitar, which after a while was clearly far too limited sonically, he then set-about exploring the realm of electronic music. This didn't just come out of the ether, his enthusiasm sprung from his first visit to a techno-party. The DJ as anti-rock star - there was definitely something there. The feeling of togetherness of everyone, the light playing off the music and the effect - that was the indicator. Everything began in his shared flat with a sampler and synthesizer. The next was a few years of intensive twisting and turning on knobs and controls 24/7. The weekends brought copious partying and inspiration in the clubs, all the while constantly collecting eclectic tones and sounds, archiving and arranging and back again. From a few samples there now stands an extensive collection, the pool maintained over time with new joints constantly being added. The way about the electronics is for him however rather playful, the ambition lying not within being a slave to te machines but actually results from employing the less-is-more strategy. In time the natural tendency of every artist had begun to emerge. In 1999 at small parties in Gera and the surrounding area he shared his tonal ideas with others as a live act. Fired on the positive resonance his sets are constantly updated and enhanced. Marek has his own distinct style, which maintains his brand flavour - open the powerbook and let's get it on...