
Terms & Conditions

1.1 These general conditions apply to the use of the lockers by visitors of the events,

hereinafter called the 'user', and to all closed agreements Monumental Productions B.V.,

hereinafter called the 'organizer', made with the user concerning the placing in custody of articles, such as: clothing, bags, money and/or valuables, hereinafter called the 'articles', in the lockers.

1.2 The organizer hereby declares to use Entropt B.V., hereinafter called the 'operator', to execute these services. Entropt B.V. is the by the organizer hired operator for the renting out of the lockers.

1.3 All agreements concluded by the organizer are solely governed by Dutch Law.

2.1 The user is not allowed to store items in the locker that might constitute a risk and/or nuisance. The organisation/operator or their personnel have the right to check the articles users want to have stored before they are deposited in the locker. The operator or its personnel are entitled to refuse the placing of certain articles in the locker that they feel may cause a danger
and/or nuisance.

2.2 The user is at all times him-/herself responsible for articles lodged in the locker.

3.1 The agreement with the operator takes effect as soon as the user has bought a ticket, may it be online or at the location.

3.2 An agreement or promise departing from clause 3.1 is legally valid and enforceable by the user, only and exclusively if the operator has concluded it with the user in writing.

3.3 The user is obligated to follow the written and/or oral user instructions from the organisation/operator concerning the use of the lockers and keys.

3.4 An order and/or hiring of a locker by the user is irrevocable. The user is never entitled to a refund of the purchase amount, not even when the user did not use the locker.

4.1 The operator/organizer is entitled to open the locker. The operator/organizer may examine articles given into custody, even if the articles have been entrusted to us in a sealed bag, suitcase or something similar.

4.2 Articles that in the operator's opinion are dangerous or could cause a nuisance, such as but not limited to: explosives, chemicals or perishable goods may be destroyed, removed or sold at the user's expense without the user being entitled to enforce any claim on these objects.

5.1 The articles must be collected during the indicated opening times and before the limit for which custody has been agreed or for which the locker made available has expired. The articles will be released only after the charges due have been paid in full.

5.2 The articles will be returned to the person who can hand over the key/code of the corresponding locker. The operator is discharged towards any person if the operator releases the article without any examination to any person who is in possession of the right key

6.1 On loss or breakage of the key/PINcode the articles will only be handed over to the user only if he/she has proved his/her entitlement thereto to our satisfaction.

6.2 The operator is in that event entitled to:

• Ascertain the identity of the user by checking their passport, driving license or ether ways of identification and to make a photocopy of the identification;

• Hand over the articles no sooner than at the end of the time limit referred to in article 5,

section 1;

• Where applicable, to require a sum to be paid by way of administration charges as indicated;

• And, when deemed necessary by the operator, to require that a deposit will be paid amounting to the value of the articles. The deposit will be refunded after 15 months or as much earlier as the user's entitlement to the articles has been satisfactorily established.

When the user looses the key, the already paid deposit will not be refunded to the user.

6.3 The user whom has lost their key and/or PINcode, can never claim any of their lost articles.

7.1 lf articles are not collected within the time limit for which safekeeping has been agreed upon or the locker has been made available, the operator will be entitled to store the articles elsewhere and/or at a higher rate.

7.2 lf three months have passed after the time limit referred to in paragraph 1 without the articles being collected as provided in articles 5 and 6, the operator/organizer is entitled to sell or destroy these articles without the user being entitled to any claim. In the event of selling, the proceeds will remain at the user's disposal after deducting the incurred and other incurred costs, for a period not exceeding 1 year following the time limit referred to in the previous sentence.

7.3 The operator/organizer is in no event liable for loss resulting after exceeding the retention or hire period and/or resulting from sale and/or destruction of the articles as provided by clause 7.2.

8.1 The use of a locker is always at one's own risk. The operator/organizer can never and on no account be held liable for the loss of the key or failure to collect the articles after use.

8.2 The operator/organizer is on no account liable for loss, unless wilful act or gross negligence can be demonstrated against the operator.

8.3 Should it be held by final legal decision that the operator is liable for loss, it will on no account be for more than €200,- per locker hired.

8.4 Before taking the locker into use, the user will check whether the locker is empty, clean and operates as is should. Should the user find articles, the user will be obliged towards the operator to hand these articles over to the operator of the locker system of its personnel.

lf there are questions, complaints or remarks, please send them written down to or per post in a sufficiently stamped envelope to:
Monumental Productions BV
Isolatorweg 36
1013 AS Amsterdam